To every Quran student feeling pressure lately..
Imaging yourself living without a daily portion of hifdh or revision and you were only working for dunya and it's distraction, without worrying about any other goals for the akhirah.
Would there be any pleasure in your day?
Imagine Allah SWT didn't put this goal in your heart nor did He allow you to attend those halaqas.
Imagine you didn't know anything about that world.
Would you then be at ease?
This consideration you have and nervousness that precedes your tasmee3 to your teacher is a blessing, by Allah SWT it is a blessing.
Millions of people are deprived this and Allah SWT has blessed you with it.
Thank Allah SWT that he has put you on this path and blessed you with someone to help you along the way, no matter how much the pressure is be sure that without Quran this pressure would be much stronger and greater and be sure that