A course that is focused on further developing skills of Quranic recitation and perfecting the fine matters of tajweed, just as the Imam's and shuyookh of recitation described and applied it.
Abu Amr Ad-Daani said:
اعلموا أن التحقيق الوارد عن أئمة القراءة حده أن توفى الحروف حقوقها، من المد إن كانت ممدودة، ومن التمكين إن كانت ممكنة، ومن الهمز إن كانت مهموزة، ومن التشديد إن كانت مشددة، ومن الإدغام إن كانت مدغمة، ومن الفتح إن كانت مفتوحة، ومن الإمالة إن كانت مُمالة، ومن الحركة إن كانت متحركة ومن السكون إن كانت مسكنة، من غير تجاوز ولا تعسف ولا إفراط ولا تكلف
Know that tahqeeq that has been transmitted from the Imam’s of recitation requires that the letters are given their rights, having madd when madd is required, having tamkeen when tamkeen is required, having Hamz when it has a hamzah, having tashdeed when it has a shaddah, having idghaam when it has idghaam, having fat’h when it has a fat’ha, having imaalah when it has imaalah, having harakah when it has a harakah, having sukoon when it has a sukoon – without exaggeration, transgression, diminishing or excessive exertion.
The course focusses on correct recitation and presenting certain finer topics of tajweed.
Main Topics
1. Recitation of selected sections from the Qur'an
2. Explanations of finer tajweed matters
3. The practice of certain skills of recitation such as Rawm, Ishmaam, Imaalah
4. The practice of the different speeds of recitation: Tahqeeq, Tadweer, Hadr
Course Expectations
Pre-requisites: That the student has passed the standard tajweed levels (Beginners levels and Advanced levels)
Duration: Normally 2 semesters (but subject to change depending on student levels)
Assessment: end of course examination
Frequently Asked Questions
2 semesters of study, however this is subject to change depending on the level of the students.
There may be random assessments depending on the specific needs of the class and student levels in certain subject areas.
There will be an assessment at the end of the course that will include theory and will involve recitation in front of a committee. This will assess the fine matters of tajweed and recitation.
The cost of this course is $200